Where are they Located?
You can go to Shida night market from the exit 3 of MRT Taipower Building station(台電大楼).
Shida night market is located nearby National Taiwan Normal University, and There are many foreign student who go to this night market.
Most of night market is open from evening, but this night market is open from noon.
I think that it is very ratioal way for tourists that During Daytime, go to Shida night market, and During night, go to other night market
Students come to have a lunch this market, so this is the reason why they open from noon.
Night Market here is selling clothes ,Miscellaneous goods etc , and has some fashionable cafe.
Foods in this market are very international, absolutely different from other night market.
You can enjoy the cuisine of different countries.
Not only variety of international cuisines, but also local Taiwan food like beef noodle is good to eat.
What is an attractive point of shida night market is fashionable Cloth shop.Their shops are very good looks.
Recently NTNU Culture&Creative market is opened.
It looks very cook and cost is reasonable. It is a must to see.
By all means, please enjoy both energetic night market in night and student market in noon.