TOCFL grammar
除了・・・以外 (chú le…yǐ wài)
■Except for…
how to make
以外 may be omitted. besides 以外,之外 is also used.
■Example sentences (with audio)
他除了做生意以外,別的事情都不會。 |
He can’t do anything else but work. |
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除了香蕉以外,他還買了蘋果。 |
Besides bananas he also bought apples. |
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除了他喝酒以外,別的人都喝可樂。 |
Everyone else drinks Coke, except for him drinking alcohol. |
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除了他以外,誰也不肯去。 |
No one would go but him. |
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彼款的光景是除了春天以外,其他的時陣所看未著。 |
The view of one another is unseen at any time other than spring. |
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